Shipment of Tesla Model 3 electric vehicles unload at the Port of Oslo, Norway.

Reportedly a ship carrying RHD Tesla Model 3s is headed for the UK

The promised timeline of deliveries of the Right-Hand-Drive Tesla Model 3s to the United Kingdom Tesla customers has arrived and according to reports the first batch of RHD Model 3s are loaded on a vehicle transport vessel named the ‘Grand Mark’ has left the Port of San Francisco and is headed to Balboa, Panama and then to Port of Zeebrugge, Belgium.

Morten Grove who constantly monitors and reports on the ships and vessels containing Tesla vehicles around the world got a tip that the Grand Mark carries a portion of RHD Model 3s on board and the first receivers are the Brits as the RHD Model 3 orders first opened for the UK last month.

According to reports some of the 3,000 customers who have placed their RHD Model 3 order last month have received the VINs for their cars, however, some of the customers who placed their orders within the first week of the launch are still waiting to get their VINs.

RHD Tesla Model 3 orders from the UK have now jumped from 3k+ to 4.5+ and growing since we reported on the number of orders on 10th of the last month (stats are taken from UK Model 3 order tracking sheet updated as invoice numbers come in, latest graph below).

4,527 Right-Hand-Drive Tesla Model 3s have been ordered from the United Kingdom till 6th June, 2019.
4,527 Right-Hand-Drive Tesla Model 3s have been ordered from the United Kingdom till 6th June, 2019. Source: Matt Jeanes (@mattjeanes23/Twitter) and Tesla Owners UK Facebook Group

Looking at the RHD Model 3 orders graph from the UK shows there is a serious Tesla Model 3 sales scene in the UK — Tesla received the 4,527 Model 3 orders from the United Kingdom within 5 weeks of the launch, when the cars are on the road, word of mouth marketing will do wonders, many of the Brits are waiting to see it in person before placing the order.

Grand Mark carrying RHD Tesla Model 3s is right now heading towards Balboa, Panama and according to estimates it would take another 9 to 11 days to reach the Port of Zeebrugge, Belgium, how Tesla transports the Model 3s from there to the UK is still a question mark as both Sea and Land routes are possible.

Grand Mark vehicle transport vessel is currently headed to Balboa, PA
Grand Mark vehicle transport vessel is currently headed to Balboa, PA


Tesla Model 3 Interior Vinyl Kit
Iqtidar Ali
[email protected]

Iqtidar Ali reports on the latest happenings at Tesla and Electric Vehicle forefront. With over 1 decade of experience in website development, he's our IT resource as well.

  • Viktor
    Posted at 18:46h, 09 June Reply

    Any news on when model 3 contract hire option becomes available through Tesla in the U.K.?

    • Iqtidar Ali
      Posted at 16:06h, 10 June Reply

      Nope, no details on that yet!

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