Around 1,000 Right-Hand-Drive Tesla Model 3s waiting at the Port of San Francisco to embark for the UK

1,000 RHD Tesla Model 3s waiting at the Port of San Francisco to embark for the UK

According to the latest sighting, there are around 1,000 RHD Tesla Model 3s standing at the Port of San Francisco (US SFO), waiting for their turn to be loaded on a vehicle transport vessel and embark on their way to most probably the UK.

As we reported earlier this week that a large ship named the ‘Grand Mark’ is most probably carrying a few hundred RHD Tesla Model 3s towards the UK, that ship has now left the Balboa, Panama port and is currently sailing through the Panama Canal.

A Twitter user with the name @whitfletcher got a chance to get the photo of an RHD Tesla Model 3 standing at the Port of San Francisco and according to his tweet, there are approximately 1k of these were present at the port on Friday around 01:10 PM.

The previous small shipment of the RHD Model 3s  is still in transit and the earliest UK deliveries will not be possible before the end of June, and the current Tesla Model 3s standing at the port will surely be delivered in July, so most of the 4.5k+ Model 3s ordered from the country will reach customer hands in Q3, 2019.

So the Q2 figures might not benefit a lot from the RHD Model 3 sales but Q3 should be better as other RHD markets customers like the Australians are very eager to get their cars as soon as possible.

At last, this is great news for the Tesla customers in the United Kingdom that their cars are starting the voyage towards them, also seems like Tesla is slowly ramping up the RHD Tesla Model 3 production, good news for Tesla customers/enthusiasts in New Zealand, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia and more…

Iqtidar Ali
[email protected]

Iqtidar Ali reports on the latest happenings at Tesla and Electric Vehicle forefront. With over 1 decade of experience in website development, he's our IT resource as well.

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