Shipment of Tesla Model 3 electric vehicles unload at the Port of Oslo, Norway.

Tesla registers the largest batch of Model 3 VINs ever, almost ~40k!

Looks like Tesla is preparing for a big Q2 just before opening the Model 3 ordering floodgates for the RHD markets, yesterday the automaker gave a 5x boost to the referral program and today it is revealed that the company has registered 39,680 new Mode 3 VINs.

This is almost ~40k new VINs for the Tesla Model 3 reported by / @Mode3VINs which tracks the NHTSA website for Model 3 VIN registrations.

Until now this year’s biggest batch of Model 3 VIN registration was 21,308 seen in January, just before starting deliveries for Europe and China.

Of these 39,680 Tesla Model 3 VINs almost ~47% are estimated to be International, local demand is a bit down since the last quarter, Tesla must have a plan to adjust the rest of the 53% cars they intend to manufacture, some of these cars might get made in the next quarter, just possible.

The important thing to note is that VIN registration numbers are not indicative of the actual production numbers, but this is still significant as Right-Hand-Drive markets are going to get the Model 3 ordering open for them anytime this week, Tesla might be expecting good demand from these countries, it remains to be seen.

The following graph shows the weekly Tesla Model 3 VIN registrations since the start of production, during production hell and the latest registrations, the spike showed this week would be some good news for investors.

Elon Musk in an interview with the Chinese media earlier this year already said that the demand in 2019 is going to be low and it will be back to normal again next year. He also got in trouble with the SEC by tweeting the production goals for this year which said Tesla aims to deliver 400k Model 3s this year.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below if you think Tesla will slowly get back on track after a hard 1st quarter.

Graph showing weekly Tesla Model 3 VINs registrations since production start, this is the biggest week so far. Graph by:
Graph showing weekly Tesla Model 3 VINs registrations since production start, this is the biggest week so far. Graph by:
Ligthed 'T' for Tesla Model 3 by EVANNEX

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Iqtidar Ali
[email protected]

Iqtidar Ali reports on the latest happenings at Tesla and Electric Vehicle forefront. With over 1 decade of experience in website development, he's our IT resource as well.

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