Watch Tesla Model 3 performing Smart Summon in snowfall.

Watch Tesla Model 3 performing Smart Summon during light snowfall

A Tesla owner tries to use the Smart Summon feature in snowy weather conditions within the boundaries of a private parking lot and records the entire scene in a video. We have previously seen the Smart Summon feature being used in normal weather conditions — now as the extreme cold weather approaches this test helps understand the car’s capabilities and limitations.

Daniel Spalding runs his YouTube channel and predominantly makes videos about his Tesla Model 3 and the experiences, according to him when he checked out his car in the parking lot, the car along with the sensors and cameras were a bit covered in snow, so the car did not respond to a Smart Summon request.

He then cleaned the cameras and sensors to call the car to himself from a distance, you have to press the ‘Come to Me’ option to ask the car to reach you without the driver, it spooks the onlookers sometimes if they are not much aware of Tesla and this full self-driving (FSD) feature.

The car eventually made it to the owner while it was still light snowfall happening, it means the car’s AI software is now able to detect such weather conditions and act accordngly, let’s see how it performs.

Tesla Model 3 in Smart Summon mode actually detects that the weather conditions or visibility is not that great and the FSD software reduces the car’s speed to 1 mph which otherwise would have been up to 5 mph in normal conditions, sounds great that the Tesla Neural Net is learning to handle these situations as needed.

Also when the sensors and cameras were totally covered, the car wouldn’t allow the Smart Summon feature to be used, it did not move, another good decision by Tesla AI when to ensure the safety of the vehicle and the surroundings.

Smart Summon is a great feature from Tesla and sets the Tesla vehicles apart from traditional cars on a whole new level, legacy automakers have yet to catch up.

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Ligthed 'T' for Tesla Model 3 by EVANNEX
Iqtidar Ali
[email protected]

Iqtidar Ali reports on the latest happenings at Tesla and Electric Vehicle forefront. With over 1 decade of experience in website development, he's our IT resource as well.

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