200,000 pre-orders for the Tesla Cybertruck are placed till now.

Tesla has received 200k Cybertruck pre-orders to date worth $11.28 Billion

According to Elon Musk’s latest tweet, Tesla has received a total of 200,000 pre-orders for the Cybertruck — this is a huge success without spending a single dollar in paid advertisement or endorsements.

But this time the infamous ballistic glass fail has made this truck even more viral and brought in free exposure which would otherwise have not been possible — karma? tell us your thoughts in the comment section below.

Back to the Cybertruck sales, in the first report, Elon Musk tweeted that they had received around 146k pre-orders from which 42% were Dual-Motor, 41% Tri-Motor, and 17% were Single Motor RWD variants.

Update: Now it is 250,000 pre-orders

In his latest tweet last night, Elon Musk updated the pre-orders figure to 200k Tesla Cybertrucks, somehow it is taking time for even the most enthusiastic Tesla fans to accept the design but surprisingly most of them are saying as much as they look at it, it grows on them.

The fast growth of pre-orders is the indicator of Cybertruck’s success albeit its radical design, Tesla Model 3 received 115,000 record pre-orders during the unveiling event in 2016 that later on grew to 400k+ or even half a million.

200k Cybertruck pre-orders = $11.28 B

Translating 200,000 pre-orders with keeping the percentage share of each variant as described above by Tesla CEO Elon Musk gives us the following figures, keeping in mind that a $100 refundable deposit has banked Tesla $20 million in cash till now.

VariantsUnit priceNo. of units pre-orderedOrder amount (USD)
Dual Motor AWD (42% share)$49,90084,000$4.1916 Billion
Tri-Motor AWD(41% share)$69,90082,000$5.7318 Billion
Single Motor RWD(17% share)$39,90034,000$1.3566 Billion
Grand Totals: 200,000$11.28 Billion

Yes, 200,000 pre-orders of the Tesla Cybertruck will ultimately give the Silicon Valley-based automaker a revenue of a staggering $11.28 billion dollars, if Tesla develops the capability of delivering these trucks by 2022, it would be an insane amount of cash flow.

Not to forget that the Tesla Model Y compact SUV built on the Model 3 platform is just months away from getting into production at the Tesla Fremont factory, and looking at the design and methodology of the Cybertruck construction, this will be far more simple to produce than any other Tesla vehicles produced yet or are in the pipeline.

In the following video our co-author, Ian Pavelko and rest of the Tesla Owners Online crew members express their views the next morning after they attended the Cybertruck unveil event and saw this 800-pound gorilla of electric vehicles first-hand.

Let us know if you have ordered the Cybertruck or Not and the reason for your decision in the comments section below.

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Ligthed 'T' for Tesla Model 3 by EVANNEX
Iqtidar Ali
[email protected]

Iqtidar Ali reports on the latest happenings at Tesla and Electric Vehicle forefront. With over 1 decade of experience in website development, he's our IT resource as well.

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