Tesla Cybertruck off roading.

Alaska governor asks Elon Musk to build the Cybertruck in his state, Tesla haters attack his twitter feed

Alaska’s 12th Governor Mike Dunleavy tagged Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Tesla Inc. (TSLA) in his tweet inviting them to build their cars and the Cybertruck in his home state. According to Governor Mike, their state is the best in the world when it comes to resource development and responsible use and protection of the natural environment.

Instead of endorsing a great move by a Governor of your state, the discussion thread of the tweet was filled with negative tweets towards Elon Musk and Tesla, the narrative of these negative commenters is that Elon Musk and Tesla is a fraud and the Cybertruck will never be built — haven’t we heard this before? Yes, we have, that’s called instilling fear, uncertainty, doubt (FUD)!

Some even went to the extent that Tesla won’t create any jobs in Alaska when it comes here, the most nonsensical thing I’ve read the whole day.

Here’s the Governor’s tweet and some Tesla short-sellers trying to sabotage his attempt to bring prosperity and jobs to Alaska:

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Elon Musk has been the target of such comments on twitter, mainly these guys are TSLA short-sellers and haters because of their affiliation with the big oil mafia, last year Elon Musk replied to one of such comments on Twitter, saying he has created at least 50,000 jobs that support about half a million families through his valiant efforts in the field of Science and Engineering, he responded:

In a recent study that showed which U.S. states love the Cybertruck and which ones doesn’t like it, Alaskans seemingly have an unwelcoming notion towards Tesla Cybertruck acceptance, but the Governor wants the state to be forward-looking towards the future and create some high-quality jobs for the people, above feedback isn’t very motivating.

One other caveat is having a Gigafactory or Tesla manufacturing facility in Alaska would be the huge distance between California and Alaska, around 54 hrs by road from Fremont and at least 8-9 hrs by air, Elon Musk and other high-level executives would have to ~3,000 miles each way to manage the affairs, while Gigafactory 1 in Nevada is only at a 259 miles distance from Tesla Fremont car factory, a huge time saving moving between both facilities.

From Fremont, California to Alaska by road distance (source: Google Maps).
From Fremont, California to Alaska by road distance (source: Google Maps).

While talking to the National Governors Association’s 2017 summer meeting, Tesla CEO Elon Musk did say that there will be more Gigafactories built in the United States — but with anti Tesla campaigners like some of the above, it’s going to be difficult for Alaska to grab the opportunity.

Alaska might have many advantages to build a Gigafactory there but one major is the ~24 hour sunlight in the summer months (typically mid May to mid August) — in the following video we can see that at 1:05 AM in the morning, the sun is shining like it’s evening time, lots of solar energy.

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Iqtidar Ali
[email protected]

Iqtidar Ali reports on the latest happenings at Tesla and Electric Vehicle forefront. With over 1 decade of experience in website development, he's our IT resource as well.

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