Tesla Semi order of 50 trucks by TCI Transportation

New 50 Tesla Semi trucks order takes the tally to almost 600 Tesla Semis reserved

Apr 06, 2018 | by Iqtidar Ali

California based logistics and rental company TCI Transportation ordered 50 Tesla Semi Trucks and that takes the tally to 598 reservations that Tesla has in the bank till now.

The customer s involved in leasing and renting semi trucks that means in near future you will be able to rent out a Tesla Semi truck for your logistic needs. TCI transportation’s co-presidents announced proudly announced their Tesla Semi order on Twitter today (tweet below).

Tesla Semi trucks are all over the news since last month Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced the first test run of the Semis carrying battery packs from Gigafactory (NV) to the Fremont factory (CA). This was a successful hauling test run and since then Tesla Semi trucks have been visiting the corporate client HQs like Anheuser Busch (Budweiser) and PesiCo.

We have setup a Tesla Semi reservations tracker page that keeps record of all the orders placed with data about customers, their countries and how many they ordered with source of information here.

Spy videos of the Tesla Semi show that the truck has immense power when it comes to towing the load — as we saw earlier that the truck has no issue pulling a loaded trailer. Even on-ramp performance of Tesla’s long hauler is impressive. Tesla Semi truck uses four Tesla Model 3 motors at rear axles with a high-density battery pack to deliver this performance.

The number of corporate and individual customers of the Tesla Semi truck are increasing in numbers since the unveil last year.

Rental companies like TCI Transportation provide a great opportunity for potential customers in need of extensive testing the Tesla Semi trucks before placing their orders.

Let’s hope for a greener more healthier future by moving over to sustainable transportation. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below, we love the talk a new ideas.

Iqtidar Ali
[email protected]

Iqtidar Ali is a long time web developer and now writing for his childhood passion 'cars' further boosted by the advent of electric vehicles especially Tesla.

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