Tesla Semi Supercharger

Tesla Semi trucks spotted at Supercharger and towing the cargo on highway

Mar 09, 2018 | by Iqtidar Ali

Since the big news yesterday about the Tesla Semi trucks leaving Gigafactory 1 to deliver battery packs to the Tesla factory in Fremont, California everyone was waiting for the trucks to be seen in public.

Redditor ‘ThreeFajitas’ spotted the two Tesla Semi trucks (pic above) at the Sacramento Supercharger that is about 106 – 112 miles away from the Tesla Fremont factory.

Some more vidoes (below) are shot by ‘My Tesla Adventure’ at the same location and He was also able to shot the trucks while they were towing the cargo and even followed them for a few miles and recorded some footage for Tesla and green energy enthusiasts.

These photos and videos seem to be shot after the trucks completing their first journey as the number on the cargo container on the black Tesla Semi is different from the one seen yesterday ( P5190683 vs P4180189).

In the below video the Tesla Semi trucks seem to be stationary, by looking at the video it’s not clear if they were Supercharging a while ago. However if a Tesla Semi is able to Supercharge using an adapter or converter that would be helpful for the truck drivers in various situations.

In the videos below we can see that the Tesla Semi trucks have no issue towing the cargo with them and the on-road performance of the trucks seems to be impressive. Also the on-ramp performance of the Tesla Semi was also impressive, this what the videographer shooting from his Tesla Model S had to say

Followed the Semi’s for a couple mile to see how they drive on the freeway. The way they took the onramp was impressive.

This cargo trip demonstration is a good news for the Tesla Semi customers that include DHL, Bee’ah, Norway Post, Budweiser, Ruan Transportation and more.

If the Tesla Semi can demonstrate even better performance on the production models according to Elon Musk, this will surely be a game changer. Let’s wait a little more and we will have more to talk about soon.

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Iqtidar Ali
[email protected]

Iqtidar Ali is a long time web developer and now writing for his childhood passion 'cars' further boosted by the advent of electric vehicles especially Tesla.

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