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Jaguar XJR vs The ‘Jetman’ in Dubai

From Dubai, UAE. A drag race between the Fastest Man In The Sky Yves ‘Jetman’ Rossy and the Formula One Legend Martin Brundle driving a Jaguar XJR. The event was part of the International XJ Innovation Tour.

Two legends meet as the Jag stares at them with her powerful eye. Jetman and Brundle shake hands before the race and exchangine views about their own unique machines. (Scroll Down For The Video)

The Jetman meets sizes up the XJR as he gets ready to race the born legend. The 500 horsepower XJR with the top speed of 174 mph has a class of her own. This milestone is achieved by the lightweight aluminium body and  powerful engines.

Jetman is ready to jump, tied to his 2 metre-wide wing having micro airplane engines superchared jet-cams. (Scroll down for the video)

Jaguar’s All-Surface Progress Control technology gives the XJR the edge in low traction situation of Dubai’s desert.

The harsh desert of Dubai cannot slow down the new Jaguar XJR !

After five seconds of free-fall following his jump from the launch helicopter, Jetman levelled off and powered through the sky above the XJR. The top speed of the Jetman’s jet engine’s is 195 mph or 313.8 km/h (real fast…)

Martin Brundle reaches a top speed of 174 mph (280 km/h) in the Jaguar XJR before crossing the finish line. A Jaguar that looks more like a Limousine is also super sporty and can challenge the jets in the skies. (Video Below)

You can explore the whole XJR range on the official website of Jaguar here. The car has basically two variants the Long Wheel Base(LWB) and the Standard Wheel Base(SWB). The sub variants come under these two main types of the XJR like the Luxury, Sport, Portfolio and the Premium Luxury.

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Image Credits –  Jaguar